Drills/Exercise of the week (Edition 10) — Keepitonthedeck

Drills/Exercise of the week (Edition 10)

This week we take a look at six Drills/Exercise videos.

First up is a video with some basic technical practices for youth football teams.

Uploaded by Soccer Québec on 2015-03-25.

Next up is a highlights complication of exercises from the Soccer X Academy.

SoccerX Academy training kampioen van Nederland 2010 E- en D-pupillen

Next up is a final third practice exercise with combination play to finish.

Sviluppo del gioco offensivo del sistema di gioco 1-4-3-1-2, dell'Empoli di Maurizio Sarri, con particolare riferimento al movimento degli attaccanti e della mezza punta. Linea difensiva passiva ed inserimento del centrocampista.

Some ideas to take or adapt for goalkeeper is next up.

Vídeo en el que podréis ver diferentes ejercicios para mejorar varios aspectos del portero.

Next up is ten different shooting exercises from Joner 1 on 1 Football Training.

Weeks and weeks of training, hours of editing. Finally be able to show you 10 different shooting drills! All drills you can adapt too.

Final exercise this week focuses on developing the long pass for youth footballers.

The UK's No.1 football magazine has teamed up with The FA to improve your game! This week you can learn how to play long passes like Cesc Fabregas! To learn more about practising the skill and to check out some wicked drills, get this week's MATCH magazine or visit http://www.matchmag.co.uk/skills!