is absolutely delighted to be able to offer one lucky winner the opportunity to win a £250 gift voucher to purchase items from Pro Direct Soccer. Pro Direct is widely regarded as the World's number one stop for football boots and more. To enter fill in the form below the rules by scrolling down the page.
To win all you have to do is enter the correct score for this weekends derby clashes between Manchester United vs Manchester City and Liverpool vs Everton. A list of rules follows.
1. Only one entry per person, in order to avoid cheating only people who use the form below this rule section will be entered.
2. The winner must guess the correct scoreline from both games.
3. In the event more than one person guesses both scores correctly, a draw will be held to decide the winner.
4. Winner will be announced on Monday 11th of December.
5. In the event nobody guesses the correct scoreline we will conduct a second competition next weekend.
6. Only entries before kick off times will be accepted.
6. Remember no cheating is welcome, we are looking for genuine entries only, double entries with false emails will not be accepted.
Please Enter Your Predication and details in the form below