Uefa A Licsence Sessions — Keepitonthedeck

Uefa A Licsence Sessions

A coach or a footballer never stops learning.  No matter how far along the coaching ladder or how high a playing level they have reached there is always new ideas, methods and styles you can adapt and take things from.  In this piece we take a look at some Uefa A license sessions that coaches or players may take or adapt ideas from.  The videos below are sessions from various coaches who have been tested based on these practices.   

First up is an 11 vs 11 session taken by Nathaniel White.

Uploaded by Nathaniel White on 2015-11-06.

The next video is a session focusing on playing out from the back.

Uploaded by DPY Productions on 2016-03-18.

Next up is a session taken by Dan Wright focusing on coaching a team to operate with two quick centre forwards.

Session delivered on Part 1 of the UEFA A Licence, July 2015. Filmed at St. Georges Park.

The final session we will take a look at is a session focusing on playing out of the back into midfield.

Uploaded by DPY Productions on 2016-03-18.